WinBootInfo is the advanced Windows Boot Analyzer that logs drivers and applications loaded during system boot, measures Windows boot times, records CPU and I/O activity during the boot, and much more!
Main features:
- Windows Boot Time Logging
- Detailed information about loaded drivers, applications and system DLLs
- Each loaded system component is displayed on the detailed time map
- Tree-View of Loaded Processes sorted in time, with all belonging DLLs/Drivers
- Different times logged (boot to Login Prompt, Explorer, Session Manager)
- Detailed CPU utilization tracking during boot, per every CPU core
- I/O activity tracking during boot
- System Interrupt / Context Switch tracking during boot
- Text Log generation and Printing
- History Feature, for comparing current with the past boot results.
Supported Platforms and Product Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP / Vista / Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit - note: separate downloads)
- Memory: At least 256 MB of RAM
- 100 MB of Free Disk Space
- Minimum Screen Resolution: 1024x768 with min. 65535 colors